Missa Gratia
Instrumentation: Unison Mixed Choir, Congregation, and Organ
Duration: c. 5:00'
Text: Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus et Benedictus, Agnus Dei; in English (BCP)
Suitable for choirs of all levels
Appropriate for worship
Program Note
As staff singer at Grace Episcopal Church in Newton, Massachusetts (2005 - 2009), I was thrust into the inner workings of Mass settings written for the expressed purpose of encouraging congregational participation. This is more difficult than it sounds. Of primary importance to me is writing in a manner that engages a congregation, but does not resort to what I call "Church licks," meaning pseudo-chant, or sing-songy simplicity. After all, the music must work to illuminate the text, particularly when presenting the complexity of the Eucharistic celebration.
This setting was written in 2009 as a gift to Grace Church, which was instrumental in the cultivation of my choral writing. Portions of the Agnus Dei were revised in 2011.