O Sing, my Tongue, of the Mystery
Premiere: March 20, 2008 / Grace Episcopal Church / Newton, Massachusetts
Instrumentation: Treble Solo, SATB, and Organ
Duration: 3:36'
Text: English adaptation of Pange lingua gloriosi, by Aquinas
Suitable for choirs of all levels
Appropriate for worship or concert performance
Program Note
Completed March 19, 2007 in Newton, Massachusetts, this piece was written for the Chancel and Junior Choirs of Grace Episcopal Church, Newton, where I was a staff singer and Director of the Junior Choir. The piece features a contemplative setting of St. Thomas Aquinas' hymn Pange Lingua Gloriosi with my English singing translation. Melodically, the piece is based on the traditional chant associated with the Latin hymn, and the harmonic language provides a satisfying challenge for choirs of all abilities.