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Ave Maria

Ave Maria - Vespera Ensemble
  • Premiere: April 25, 2007 / Toronto / Vespera Ensemble / Sarah John

  • Instrumentation: SSA & keyboard

  • Duration: 2:00'

  • Text: Traditional Latin prayer.

  • Suitable for choirs of all levels

  • Appropriate for worship or concert performance


Program Note


Modeled after the brief, choral "Ave Maria" in Poulenc's Dialogues des Carmélites, this piece shows a glimpse of the shape my choral writing would take over the next ten years: fluid changes in tonal center, lush dominant chords, chromaticism and sturdy counterpoint.


Completed in late 2006, it was premiered by the Vespera Ensemble, a women's choir in Toronto under the direction of Sarah John, who accepted the piece after a call for scores. Their performance was the first premiere of a choral work where I was not singing or conducting, and was also my first non-US premiere.



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